
Mimi (ni) - I / I am

Mini ni Muafrika - I am African

Mimi ni Maria - I am Maria

Mimi ni mtoto wa mwisho - I am the last born

Mimi sio mgeni - I am not a guest

Nina ndugu wawili - I have two siblings -

Sina - I don't have it -

Wewe / Ninyi - You

Wewe ni mrefu - You are tall

Nyinyi ni waoga - You are scared

Umepotea - You are lost

Mmechoka - You are tired

Unapenda machungwa - You like oranges

Nyinyi ni ndugu - You are relatives

We - Sisi (Tu)

Sisi ni wageni kwenye jiji - We are new in town

Tunatoka leo usiku - We are going out tonight

Hatuna - We don't have it

Tumechoka - We are tired

Sisi ni dada (sisi ni ndugu) - We are sisters

Wao / Wale (Wa) - They

Wanapenda kucheza - They like dancing

Wao ni wakarimu - They are kind

Wale sio marafiki wazuri - They are not good friends

They came in late - Walichelichelewa kufika

Hawa - These
Hawa ni ndugu zangu - These are my relatives

Yule / Huyu / Yeye - He / She / It
Yeye ni mama - She is a mother
Yeye ni mtoto wa kiume - He is a boy
Yeye ni mrefu - He is tall
Huyu ni paka - It is a cat

Yangu / Wangu - Mine / my
Huyu ni dada yangu - This is my sister
Jina langu ni John - My name is John

Yako / Wako - Your / Yours
Yule ni kaka yako - That is your brother

Yetu / Wetu / Chetu - Our / Ours
Yeye ni rafiki yetu - He is / She is our friend
Huyu ni mbwa wetu - This is our dog
Hiki ni chumba chetu - This is our room
Njoo ukutane na wazazi wetu - Come meet our parents

Yao / Zao / Wao - Their / Theirs
Ile ni gari yao - That is their car
Hizi ni nyumba zao - These are their houses
Hii ni ya kwao - This is theirs
Huyu ni paka wao - This is their cat